obs-ndi 4.9.1-1 -- Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: obs-studio (>= 25.0.7)


New Member

I'm busy installing obs NDI in Linux mint, using the Debian downloads of libndi4 4.5.1-1 (which installed fine), and obs-ndi 4.9.1-1 (which cannot install).

The error message is:

Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: obs-studio (>= 25.0.7)

I tried a general way of fixing dependencies:

sudo apt install -f

But that only fixes dependencies of installed things.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?

Thanks a ton.
OBS-NDI installation issues in linux mint.png


New Member
Yes, I have exactly the same problem. I try and install the package on the latest edition of mint and the dependency error arises. Any help out there please?


New Member
Hi 188wickham...

I solved it. Just went back two releases, and downloaded that app. It installed, and works perfectly now.

All the best!