Bug Report OBS-MP will not capture display on HD4600


New Member
OBS standard pulls the monitors fine, so this is specific to OBS-MP

Setup- Monitor 1 on 2x780 gtx's
Monitor 2 on Intel HD4600 (i7-4770K)
Monitor 3 on Intel HD4600 (i7-4770K)

On OBS-MP when I go to add a Display capture, the drop down only has Monitor 0 (Monitor 1 from above), there is no available tick for multiple display adapters, just the cursor capture tick.

If screenshots or logs would be helpful I will add them, but the log will not pull info as the software does not recognize the device.

Thanks for having a look.


New Member
Yes, I understand this is a work around, but not a solution.

I was hoping for a solution, as this works fine in the old OBS, why can't I ask for that same great support here?

Seems a bit of a droll response to what I think is a bug needing to be squashed.


Active Member
Yes, I understand this is a work around, but not a solution.

I was hoping for a solution, as this works fine in the old OBS, why can't I ask for that same great support here?

Seems a bit of a droll response to what I think is a bug needing to be squashed.

Not sure what you expected, I can only offer a workaround, since I'm no dev. It's generally a good idea to connect all monitors to the same GPU if you are using OBS, regardless of this issue.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Okay I see what's going on, on the original OBS it would list the other monitors, but if you selected a monitor that wasn't connected to the same GPU that OBS was running on, it would revert to a really slow method of capture. On windows 8 and above you can't use the fast capture method unless the monitor is running on the same graphics adapter that the current graphics context is connected to, and that's technically why it's only showing that monitor in this case.

I'll make it function the same way again, though like I said capturing something cross-adapter is very slow, I'll have to make some sort of indicator in the list box showing that the monitor is slow to capture. I'm not sure if I can have it by next patch though.


New Member
Thanks Jim, whenever you can.

Slow is fine, all I use it for is to show people, when it comes up, what is happening on the other monitors. Nothing intensive happening on them, but having them accessible is great.

Only having 1 monitor hooked into my SLI setup, it allows the cards to go into a powersaving state, if more than 1 monitor is plugged in to the nvidia's they don't idle correctly. This is a known issue, nvidia has never been able to get a driver to work properly for that, best they could do, even now was not have them run @ 100%, mine run @ about 40% when in idle with the monitors "shut down" according to AIDA64 logs.

By having 1 hooked up, they run ~3% on the nvidia's, and on the cpu 2 monitors idle with about 10% of the wattage used running through the igpu when they are active.

This makes a difference to me, and I appreciate it Jim.


Forum Moderator
Only having 1 monitor hooked into my SLI setup, it allows the cards to go into a powersaving state, if more than 1 monitor is plugged in to the nvidia's they don't idle correctly.
You know, I used to have this happen as well on my multi-monitor setup and GTX 970 and it drove me nuts. It turned out to be as simple as setting the card back to "Adaptive" power management mode instead of "Maximum Performance" in the NCP, followed by a reboot. "Maximum Performance" appears to make the card run at full clock speed at all times, instead of downclocking when it isn't in use. I could find no performance difference between the two.

NVIDIA Inspector also has a feature called Multi Display Power Saver that will work around this if the power management trick doesn't work. It's not as convenient as having the card handle it, but pretty much anything is better than cross-GPU capture in OBS.



New Member
Thanks for the response Sapiens,

I hooked them back into my SLI, checked, the global settings are set to adaptive. I will run them over the next 24 hours, and check on them tomorrow night, and see what the logs look like. I am pretty sure last time I did this, albeit 6 months or so ago, I am pretty sure it was set to adaptive then as well.

If it is still borked, I will try NVIDIA inspector for the other, though I have become more familiar with that piece of software over the last month, (Thanks Fallout, meh), I was not aware of that feature.

Thanks for the heads up Sapiens.