Question / Help OBS MP on Windows 10 recording lagging help


New Member
I'm new at this so I hope someone can help. My games run smooth while recording and the cpu usage seems to be good, but when I watch the recording after I'm done the game looks like it is skipping/lagging. Is it a problem with my computer or maybe the settings for OBS MP? I hope someone can help.

I've watched several youtube videos and have played with most of the settings in OBS MP, but haven't been able to fix it.


I'm using OBS MP 0.11.3 on Windows 10. I've tried the 32 and 64 bit versions and have also tried running them as administrator.

current log:



Community Helper
Do you only have an integrated GPU on your computer? Running both OBS and the game on that GPU probably won't work well.


You have a custom VBV buffer size of 0. You generally want VBV Buffer (Custom Buffer) to be equal or greater than your bitrate. VBV Buffer is for playback/decoding, in the simplest terms it tells the decoder "buffer this much before decoding to ensure you have enough data for smooth playback"

You also have 92% skipped frames, the encoder can't keep up. Your best and only real option is to use QuickSync but at 1000Kbps it's going to look atrocious, luckily QuickSync can handle a lot of bitrate. This will require you to use OBS
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Community Helper
The VBV buffer of 0 is because he is locally recording and doesn't want a bit rate limitation. That is not out of the ordinary.

The 92% skipped frames gives a better description of the problem, but the reason for the issue is more likely related to his GPU being overloaded a bit.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. I've changed a bunch of settings around and played with it all day and can get an 'okay' recording with this set up. I attached my current log file.

Any other tweaks anyone can suggest?

I'm still getting a mysterious another hook is already present error,but I have no idea what it is.

Would using these setting in the OBS MP version help any? It was what I was using at first, but I couldn't get the log analyzer to work so I switched to the other OBS while trying things out.

If there is nothing else anyone can think of then I probably will give up trying to make this work on this computer.


  • 2015-08-14-2202-11.log
    8.5 KB · Views: 28


Community Helper
You can see if disabling the preview helps at all. Downscaling more would probably also help.


New Member
I input the settings from OBS into OBS MP and got similar 'okay' results with the OBS maybe a little better than the OBS MP.

I'm using the 64 bit shortcut to OBS MP, should I try the 32 bit version?

Here is the log for OBS MP with the same settings.

I'm not sure what else to do. I think this is the best it gets on this laptop. I'm going to try the two suggestions in the post above today and see what happens.


  • 2015-08-15 12-52-22.txt
    5.5 KB · Views: 17