I'm trying to play around with the noise gate. I have a media source which is an IP camera, via rtsp. The audio comes in the rtsp stream.
I go to the filters and add a noise gate filter, first with the default parameters. But when I start playing with the parameters I notice no changes in the audio output (recorded stream). Just to test I narrow down the noise gate threshold window to only 1db (like -30db and -29db) and still see no difference in the recorded stream audio, it's the same as if I remove the noise gate filter altogether.
As a comparison I ran OBS Classic and I do see audio cutting out if it's below the threshold. Is there something different I need to do with OBS Studio?
I'm trying to play around with the noise gate. I have a media source which is an IP camera, via rtsp. The audio comes in the rtsp stream.
I go to the filters and add a noise gate filter, first with the default parameters. But when I start playing with the parameters I notice no changes in the audio output (recorded stream). Just to test I narrow down the noise gate threshold window to only 1db (like -30db and -29db) and still see no difference in the recorded stream audio, it's the same as if I remove the noise gate filter altogether.
As a comparison I ran OBS Classic and I do see audio cutting out if it's below the threshold. Is there something different I need to do with OBS Studio?