Question / Help OBS-MP 0.11.3 - Windows 10 - Dota 2


So yesterday i updated to Win10 and made everything that is necessary, Win updated, drivers update and everything is fine. I liked it a lot btw.

The situation is. On Win 7, with 720@60 on veryfast@2400kbps my stream was smooth and Dota 2(source 1) was running 120fps really smooth (vsync off)

Now on Win10, with OBS closed, The Source 1 version (Dx9 only) and the Source 2 version (tried with, Dx9, Dx11 and GL, all with game and monitor capture, and all with EVERYTHING just fine on logs) they all runs 120fps really smoothly (lock with con_var with v-sync always off).
BUT IF i open obs-mp and start streaming with the very same settings, i got for all cases really smooth stream video, game with solid 120fps but the game lags. I mean is visible the stuttering. But somehow the video on stream is smooth. Only the proper game lags. Let me break down on engine/renderer;

Source 1 Dota 2 32bits - DX9 -> the video lags badly
Source 2 Dota 2 64bits - DX9 -> really bad video sttutters but better than Source 1
Source 2 Dota 2 64bits - DX11 -> Less laggy but still really visible
Source 2 Dota 2 64bits - OpenGL -> Almost smooth, Sometimes it struggle a bit but rarelly, Still noticiable.

Just remembering. on Win7 it as all smooth perfectly, on Win10 stream video is perfectly smooth, but the game feels chopy and lagging.
If i close OBS the game runs as smooth as on win7

On Win10 the CPU usage NEVER goes higher than 50%

Any toughts or recommendation?
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Does Anyone have a single hint?
It seems like dozens of people on WIn10 are having issues wiith gaming + OBS

It's really frustrating tho.


Community Helper
According to those logs, OBS itself is performing perfectly fine and skipping very few frames. I'm not really sure what it could be other than perhaps unoptimized Windows 10 drivers? If the issue is that OBS's rendering is affecting Dota's rendering, that is the sort of thing I would blame on the GPU driver.


Ty for your reply. I didn't like gaming in win10 and i agree with u that it doesn't seems to be on OBS side.

time to switch back to Win7 for now. ^^

I guess we can close this thread