Hey All,
I've been using OBS to set up church livestreams for a while now, often including pre-recorded material, and have only today started to see a problem with reading videos as a Media Source. Normally they play and display just fine, but everything I've tried to use today shows up in grayscale with a bunch of colored streaks running through it. Some videos still display just fine, it is only doing this with certain videos. That being said, all videos were produced the same way, and are in the same file format, there is nothing different about them. Below is an example of what I'm seeing.
Log file is here: https://obsproject.com/logs/MVaRsvTXBM7Ds43n
I've been using OBS to set up church livestreams for a while now, often including pre-recorded material, and have only today started to see a problem with reading videos as a Media Source. Normally they play and display just fine, but everything I've tried to use today shows up in grayscale with a bunch of colored streaks running through it. Some videos still display just fine, it is only doing this with certain videos. That being said, all videos were produced the same way, and are in the same file format, there is nothing different about them. Below is an example of what I'm seeing.
Log file is here: https://obsproject.com/logs/MVaRsvTXBM7Ds43n