I did this a while ago for a Reolink Doorbell. There are two elements to streaming a Reolink Security camera..
1. The Reolink Camera application needs to be configured to allow the camera to stream RTSP. In the camera app go Network/Advanced/Server Settings and set RTSP and for good measure HTTPS, leave the ports as default. You should be able to browse to the camera from a standard browser (Chrome or Firefox) using the IP number of the camera. The browser will tell you the site is a security risk but ignore that as the camera is on your own network. You should be able to log into the camera and see what the camera sees.
2. For the OBS end I set mine up a long time ago and I'm a lot rusty but looking at my log file I can give you a few tips.
My Reolink config
[Media Source 'Media Source']: settings:
06:55:30.052: input: rtsp://OBS:Camera Password@The Camera IP number:554/h264Preview_01_sub
I created a user account on the camera called OBS with its own password.
Your Reollink config
[Media Source 'Reolink']: settings:
12:25:30.421: input: rtsp://user:
I used this "h264Preview_01_sub" as the video feed, I found that a higher resolution "main" camera feed to be less reliable over my wifi connection due to the increased bandwidth requirements. My suggestion would be to go low and if it works step up the resolution.