Question / Help Obs mass effect: Andromeda problem


New Member
My current problem is that, when I try to stream ME:andromeda, it does not show any text from the game.
Screenshots show that, text is missing in both, from the menu screen and also from the character creation screen.

Sorry for my bad english. I hope you can understand.




  • 2017-03-23 21-51-18.txt
    28.2 KB · Views: 9


Forum Admin

21:51:39.499: [game-capture: 'H1zi'] attempting to hook fullscreen process: MassEffectAndromeda.exe
21:51:39.501: [game-capture: 'H1zi'] using helper (compatibility hook)
21:51:39.510: [game-capture: 'H1zi'] hook not loaded yet, retrying..
21:51:43.433: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] attempting to hook process: MassEffectAndromeda.exe
21:51:43.441: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] d3d11 memory capture successful

Remove the second game capture source from your scene. You don't need more than one per scene collection in almost all cases.

Second, can you screenshot your game capture properties window?


Forum Admin
Try allow transparency and the capture overlay options, see if either helps. If not, I have the game and I can do some testing tonight when I get home from work to see if I'm able to replicate. Sorry for the delayed response, I meant to test last night but ended up busy.


Forum Admin
Seems that this happens when you alt+tab fullscreen. As long as you stay in the game (if you have a second monitor, move OBS there to watch the preview) it displays fine.

When you alt+tab from fullscreen, the game stops rendering the HUD it seems.