OBS Log Showing "Wrong GPU" On Laptop, But Running On Intel NUC W/1 GPU


New Member
After running a stream daily for over a year, around two weeks ago we started having issues where the image wouldf distort, lag, drop, freeze, and sound sync would be wildly off. I initially assumed it was a camera software issue. The camera is a PTZ 30x SDI (Second Gen). The computer hosting OBS is an Intel NUC i5 (9th Gen). It is receiving the video from the camera over ethernet (IP).

We have tried the following, and the issue comes back, not necessarily every time. Today, the analyzer came back with a number of issues it didnt fijnd previously evemn though the symptoms were the same.

I've never seen this. The NUC has an integrated intel GPU (650). One wrinkle here, which I am suspecting contributes if not causes, is that I typically access the NUC using RDP from my Mac Laptop and run the stream remotely. Here are my questions:

1. Is it possible that RDP is presenting the GPU of the laptop to OBS and confusing it? Is there a best practice for remote control of OBS?

2. What does this log mean?


New Member
Here are the last two logs. The older is from a strteam that had no major issues. The more recent log is from a stream with a 4 second video lag, and buffering issues.


  • 2021-03-20 07-49-50.txt
    15 KB · Views: 3
  • 2021-03-18 07-56-57.txt
    19.9 KB · Views: 1


Active Member
07:49:50.736: Available Video Adapters:
07:49:50.738: Adapter 0: Intel(R) UHD Graphics
07:49:50.738: Dedicated VRAM: 134217728
07:49:50.738: Shared VRAM: 4192587776
07:49:50.738: PCI ID: 8086:9b41
07:49:50.738: Driver Version:
07:49:50.738: output 0: pos={0, 0}, size={1440, 900}, attached=true, refresh=32, name=
07:49:50.738: Adapter 1: Intel(R) UHD Graphics
07:49:50.738: Dedicated VRAM: 134217728
07:49:50.738: Shared VRAM: 4192587776
07:49:50.738: PCI ID: 8086:9b41
07:49:50.739: Driver Version:
07:49:50.741: Loading up D3D11 on adapter Intel(R) UHD Graphics (0)
According to your log, your system has TWO Intel UHD GPUs. This could be the case if one is the NUC's iGPU, and the other is an onboard GPU. As they share a PCI ID though, it's likely just being virtually duplicated in software.

This may also be due to the RDP access. OBS isn't meant to be run over RDP, and it can cause severe issues sometimes, especially with the virtual display driver and how RDP functions. If you need remote access, installing a VNC host server and using a VNC remote viewer may provide more stability.


New Member
Update here, with more of the story.

Windows 10 pushed an update on March 9, 2021 (KB5000802) which involved among other things removal of Adobe Flash. The update "may" have changed the order in which the display adapters are loaded (per Microsoft support). In my case, the virtual adapter loaded first and had priority over the actual GPU. Which explains the "Wrong GPU" critical error.

Thank you, FerretBomb. Microsoft RDP is NOT compatable with OBS.