Question / Help OBS locking up my entire computer.


New Member
A couple of my friends that stream to Twitch are having this issue as well. We're running Windows 10, using OBS to record or stream video it works fine for a few minutes, then completely locks up our computers.

Log file here.

Doesn't seem to matter what I'm trying to stream, Steam games or emulated games. what sources I use. What settings I use in OBS. I've locked up my computer about 20 times trying different builds between 12.0 and 12.3 all with the same result. At this point I'm afraid it's going to make my OS screw up with all the locking up. Anyone know a way to fix this?


New Member
I can confirm the issues he has. No logs, bluescreens, or anything indicitave of the cause. This is rather disparaging, as the front page states Windows 10 as part of what is "supported" for the Windows version. Previously, I had to set compatibility mode to Win8 for OBS-MP. Now even that fails. This greatly concerns me. Moreso that Xoa has mentioned to me even the Mac version locked up his Mac. Jim, dodgepong, what are we doing to cause this? We can provide as much info as needed.


Forum Moderator
I would look at troubleshooting your system, there is nothing here to indicate some inherent incompatibility between OBS and Windows 10 or a heck of a lot more people would be posting about it. How are your temperatures when things lock up? Are you stable while a program like Prime95 runs?


New Member
Temps for my system are quite fine. When streaming my i7-920 never goes over 55c. I ran Prime95 with no issues, MemTest86+ on the most stressful set of tests for a full night with no errors. Running the latest drivers for everything. I never had any issues until the recent versions of both legacy and MP.


New Member
I've checked the temps on my computer while recording, I've had it crash while I was recording video of myself playing Judgement Silverssword for the Wonderswan Color. My processor was seldom over 50% usage and temps were between 27 and 30C. That's only a little higher than where everything sits when I'm not streaming or recording. I haven't done Prime95 in a while, but I can run that again and see what happens. Thing is, I've played games that run a lot hotter, and push my computer a lot harder, with no issues. So I don't think it's an overheating problem.
I'll get back to you with the Prime95 data.

edit, 18:02 12/5/15
Also, I know this isn't the Mac forum, but it did lock up my Mac as well. Only difference there is I wasn't using the Nvidia hardware setting because it's not supported on that machine. Also, Prime95 has now been running for over 40 minutes while I play an emulator on my computer, no issues so far.

edit 18:52 12/5/15
Okay, after almost 2 hrs, it did finally crash. But I'm not sure why. Processor temps never exceeded normal range. Going to run Memtest and CPU test on the machine and see if anything comes from it.
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What temperature monitor you using? On windows, I like using HWMonitor as it shows more temperature sensors.

Each benchmark/testing programs test only 1 or 2 things. MemTest86+ test all CPU memory. Furmark stress test graphics card. prime95 i think can test the CPU and some memory.

If Furmark or prime95 works, but using both at the same time fails, then maybe the problem might be not enough watts on power supply?


New Member
I was using RealTemp to check the temps. Right now I'm running Memtest to check the memory, then I'll move on to other things trying to narrow it down if there is a hardware issue. I'll try Furmark tomorrow and see what happens with the GPU.


New Member
Ok, I just did an oddball test. I went back to OBS-MP 12.0 with user settings deleted. Everything was fine. Tried to do preview only in 12.3, system froze within ten seconds. No compatibility mode settings attempted. So on my end, something happened since 12.1 that has been doing so.


New Member
Okay, have been testing on this machine since last night. Did a few things. First off, downloaded Core Temp and calibrated it. After that I got FurMark and ran it's CPU test. Computer never went over 58ºF. Then ran Furmark for a while, no issues with the GPU. Memtest came up clean after 4 passes.
I can play any game I have for hours with no issues at all. But when I try to stream, boom, locks up tight. I also tried Xsplit, and got the same result. So I did a little more digging, and it turns out this might actually be a Windows 10 issue with video capture in general. Might just have to see what happens with a different OS on this hardware.