Every time I switch over to Nvenc for local recording the "Start Recording" will not start when I click on it. Hope you guys can help me out. I am able to use Shadowplay fine so I dunno what is wrong. Thanks.
09:22:22.551: fatal: Failed to create nvenc instance
09:22:22.552: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] Failed to open NVENC codec: Generic error in an external library
09:22:23.058: ---------------------------------
09:22:23.058: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings:
09:22:23.058: rate_control: CBR
09:22:23.058: bitrate: 6000
09:22:23.058: cqp: 0
09:22:23.058: keyint: 120
09:22:23.058: preset: hq
09:22:23.058: profile: high
09:22:23.058: level: auto
09:22:23.058: width: 1280
09:22:23.058: height: 720
09:22:23.058: 2-pass: false
09:22:23.058: GPU: 0
09:22:22.551: fatal: Failed to create nvenc instance
09:22:22.552: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] Failed to open NVENC codec: Generic error in an external library
09:22:23.058: ---------------------------------
09:22:23.058: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings:
09:22:23.058: rate_control: CBR
09:22:23.058: bitrate: 6000
09:22:23.058: cqp: 0
09:22:23.058: keyint: 120
09:22:23.058: preset: hq
09:22:23.058: profile: high
09:22:23.058: level: auto
09:22:23.058: width: 1280
09:22:23.058: height: 720
09:22:23.058: 2-pass: false
09:22:23.058: GPU: 0