OBS local broadcast to phones


New Member
Hi all,

I would like to simultaneously (1) stream OBS to Facebook Live (or similar) and (2) stream OBS video over a local wireless network to smartphones with low latency. I have an ethernet connection between my laptop running OBS and a wireless router, and the phones are connected to the router via wifi.

Is this possible? If so, what is the best method to use? Thanks.


Active Member

Then you'll need to add Nginx in your firewall settings. Then install a RTMP client such as VLC on the phones and go the internal IP of the OBS PC on the phones. Example: rtmp://

I was able to get around 3-4 seconds of latency with a 2012 iMac (not sig) wired to provided DSL modem/router and Galaxy 6.


New Member
A little more info: Currently I'm using OBS VirtualCam plugin + Zoom to provide the "local" stream, which is giving a few seconds of latency. I was wondering if there was a truly local solution that only transfers data over the local network that could provide <1 s latency.


Active Member
You can try HLS streaming using a local web server. Wikipedia mentions a low latency extension but I don't know if OBS supports this. I believe Mixer's Faster Than Light protocol used something like this (I was able to get 1 second latency) so it's certainly doable. I can't help at all with this.