OBS Licenses


Forum Admin
Starting today, OBS will now require users to purchase a license for continued use.

We hope our users are understanding of this change and we look forward to our rich futures.

Purchase your license

Edit: April Fools has concluded, hope we didn't scary too many of you. Here's the page for anyone who missed it.


New Member
Have to say this. On the home page, the left side says "Both 32 and 64 bit versions are available and it's absolutely free!" The right side says "Free? No." Discrepancy?

Sorry, OCD made me point this out. Made an account just to do that.


New Member
sonikku said:
Have to say this. On the home page, the left side says "Both 32 and 64 bit versions are available and it's absolutely free!" The right side says "Free? No." Discrepancy?

Sorry, OCD made me point this out. Made an account just to do that.

^ This. Get that "Free" stuff out of there. I came here for a program that cost me my life savings to use, not this free stuff \o/


New Member
I just found this software last night and when I logged in this morning I laughed so hard.

My favorite part is the "Free? No." On the front page. I about died.

Good one 8).


New Member
Fuck dudes you fooled me very good, i was like whaaat? called my girlfriend on skype, was like duuude so much money, fuck this, i install xsplit, and then i wanted to complain in the forums, saw this post, and was like......... "facepalm" so good guys! i love you ! :D