Bug Report OBS Lagging Computer


New Member
I was trying to stream today, but then I realized that my programs were running intolerably slow. I thought it might have been my computer, so I finally upgraded from Yosemite to El Capitan. Things seemed to finally run smoothly, but then when I reopened OBS, my programs began to lag horrendously.

I didn't think it was OBS until I finally quit streaming and continued to use my programs, and there was absolute zero lag. I restart OBS, lo and behold--the lag returns. I opened up my Activity Monitor, and apparently it's running up to 70% consistently. I changed a few things, but it's still up in about 54%-60%.

I'm just trying to stream some drawing, but it's absolutely intolerable. I'm a fast sketcher, so when I have to wait five seconds for it to switch from the brush to the eraser and another two seconds for the line to finish drawing--I just can't do that.

My OBS log is right here:

My OBS has never lagged my computer before. I updated it to the most recent version just earlier, but I downgraded to 14.1 a second ago, but still having the same problems. I've been looking everywhere, but I seem to have no luck. What could be causing this lag?