Bug Report OBS itself does not respect resolution sizes


New Member
I have 2 monitors, 1 QHD at 250% upsize on fonts etc, and a 2nd monitor that only does 1080p set at 1920x1080.

for example, after starting obs on either monitor, the scenes fonts and sources fonts as wellas the stream, record settings and exit fonts are too big, but the title bar showing the version of obs is extrememly tiny.
If i move obs over to the other monitor everything font wise goes wonkey in obs, Making this program not usable because I cannot read the controls etc.

This may be a theme issue but tried both light and dark themes and get same wonkey results.

Please if anyone else has this issue , +1 op.


Not to be rude, but you made almost no sense in what you wrote, its all over the place and you just keep saying fonts...and "source fonts" "scene fonts" like are you talking about the program? Your actual Video output? I mean to be honest your clarity level of the problem.


New Member
here are pictures. look at obs. notice its wonky. its a bug.


  • obssizescreenbug.jpg
    316.6 KB · Views: 45
  • obssizescreenbug2.jpg
    838.9 KB · Views: 45

Suslik V

Active Member
Yeah, unlike android applications windows programs usually developed under fixed sizes (buttons, lists, labels) for fixed screen density (72-96dpi) and fixed layout (landscape). So, only developer can help you, by optimizing interface for hi-resolution displays in future program releases. Always, it is time consuming job, so I think that it couldn't be done for now.

Use about 100% settings and display with 72-96dpi (screen_horisontal_resolution_pixels / screen_width_inches). Then OBS will look fine.
wiki said:
When an Apple product has a Retina Display, each user interface widget is doubled in width and height to compensate for the smaller pixels
Maybe windows also can handle it - don't know. But the program was developed under 100% text settings use. Or, am I wrong?