Question / Help OBS is being so weird. Help please?


New Member
I have my FPS on OBS set to 30. Even when i'm not streaming/recording and just have the scene i'm using up my FPS in OBS preview is staying around 11-20. It just all of a sudden started happening. I've ran diagnostics on my CPU (i7-5930k) because I thought my CPU was about to bite the dust but it's completely fine. I don't know whats going on and i'm having stream withdrawals :/



Active Member
Just checked Windows Updates. My system continues in build 14393.693.

So, not rolled out yet?
Was about to make a thread about this. 6700k, gtx 1080 etc etc. I thought my cpu was crapping itself. A obs studio preview window where fps drop to 10 and go all over the place no matter what fps I chose in the settings. I got 3 screens hooked up to the gtx 1080 but only using 2. At this moment I'm installing that update from

I'll post here if it changed anything.