OBS installed on VPS - 1 RDP connection will start obs, other RDP connection fails to start OBS


New Member
Have OBS installed on a VPS. XRDP is installed with desktop. VPS sits here in Amsterdam.

When I login to the desktop om my computer here, I can start a terminal and start OBS. It will open and run as expected.

Now I use a totally different (still windows) computer. I am based in the Netherlands, this other computer is based in England.

I can remote login to this computer from my computer here in the Netherlands. I can then open RDP on it and open a connection to this server we got. That all works fine. I then open a terminal and try to open obs, but it will fail.

I get messages about direct_clean (GL) failed. I also get messages about fetch parent window geometry failed.

But its running on a VPS and so i would assume you would see the same results on both rdp connections?

Searching Google for these errors do not give any fitting results like nobody ever encountered this before. Would anybody have a clue as to these error messages?

(fixing to get all content from starting up obs and the errors it gives to post here. Will be added later!)