OBS in Kubernetes Cluster or Container


Has anyone tried to run OBS in a Kubernetes Cluster? Or has anyone tried running OBS in a Container? I have been looking at downsizing my system and I have replaced a few things with Raspberry PIs like my file server and my Media Server are now running on PIs. I would like to replace my Studio system with a PI Kubernetes Cluster, but having difficulties finding much information on implementing any applications on a Kubernetes Cluster. Lots of info on building the cluster, but not much on deploying applications.
Second question about Containers. I have run OBS in Virtual Machines in the past, but the best machine I have will not support OBS-Studio and Zoom both, I get too much video stutter and cpu usage in the 97-99 percentage areas. OBS alone is fine, and Zoom is fine, but together in a virtual machine they just use too much CPU to be usebul. At least on an I5 with 4 cores. So my thought is to run them both in an "Application Container" to save the VM hardware overhead.
Thanks for any suggestions/ideas.


Active Member
The general rule of Turing Machines is that any of them can perfectly emulate any other. So theoretically, you should be able to fool both apps into thinking that they're on a decent physical machine with all of their required resources.

Is it worth the trouble? Probably not. Even if everything else was virtualized, I'd still have a physical machine for OBS.

You might be an exception, but for most of what people use OBS for, the guaranteed-reliability part pretty much demands a physical machine with enough direct resources to run OBS natively. It's how OBS is meant to run, so run it that way. Anything different is experimental and not guaranteed. But you're more than welcome to keep playing with it and report what you find!