Has anyone tried to run OBS in a Kubernetes Cluster? Or has anyone tried running OBS in a Container? I have been looking at downsizing my system and I have replaced a few things with Raspberry PIs like my file server and my Media Server are now running on PIs. I would like to replace my Studio system with a PI Kubernetes Cluster, but having difficulties finding much information on implementing any applications on a Kubernetes Cluster. Lots of info on building the cluster, but not much on deploying applications.
Second question about Containers. I have run OBS in Virtual Machines in the past, but the best machine I have will not support OBS-Studio and Zoom both, I get too much video stutter and cpu usage in the 97-99 percentage areas. OBS alone is fine, and Zoom is fine, but together in a virtual machine they just use too much CPU to be usebul. At least on an I5 with 4 cores. So my thought is to run them both in an "Application Container" to save the VM hardware overhead.
Thanks for any suggestions/ideas.
Second question about Containers. I have run OBS in Virtual Machines in the past, but the best machine I have will not support OBS-Studio and Zoom both, I get too much video stutter and cpu usage in the 97-99 percentage areas. OBS alone is fine, and Zoom is fine, but together in a virtual machine they just use too much CPU to be usebul. At least on an I5 with 4 cores. So my thought is to run them both in an "Application Container" to save the VM hardware overhead.
Thanks for any suggestions/ideas.