Bug Report OBS has glitshy video output on Kubuntu 15.04-16.04 and Lubuntu 16.04 lxqt


New Member
I reported a bug almost one month a ago https://obsproject.com/mantis/view.php?id=707 that obs produces glitchy output on kde and lxqt which still isn't resolved.

At recording panels and sometime while windows randomly disappear an re-appear which isn't the case on my actual screen.

I believe it has something to do with qt because on 16.04 lxde it worked perfectly fine.

It looks like this when I record on lxqt (the filesize is a little too big so here a link)https://a.pomf.cat/wnjkhe.mkv and it didn't improve.

Was this bug report from september noticed?
It didn't improve until now and I don't want to livestream under these circumstances.


New Member
I just found out where to find log the files but I didn't find the logs for the given Video I posed.
So I just recreated the whole video (same windows, same tabs running) and posted the logs here https://a.pomf.cat/wqoyrj.txt

Same problems still occur