Bug Report OBS generates odd CPU usage


New Member
So i've been using OBS Multiplatform 0.10.0 for 2 days, and this suddenly started happening on the 3rd day,

having it Running (not streaming/recording or even previewing)
Will cause System (or ntoskrnl.exe) to use about 30% of my CPU

It's odd and i changed nothing for it to suddenly occur.


  • 2015-05-17 12-42-34.txt
    3.8 KB · Views: 61


Community Helper
You're trying to record at 1080p60 with a CPU that is very much not capable of recording at 1080p60. Try downscaling and reducing your FPS.


New Member
It's already downscaled to 720p and it's not even recording or streaming anything, the CPU usage i mention is just by having OBS launched idle in the background.

P.S. i had a feeling someone would mention my CPU somehow.... but i know that's not the issue.

Edit: while i wasn't streaming/recording at 1080p60 (I just tried so and it's 100% CPU usage) i've set my monitor to 1360x768 and the Constant CPU usage got lowered, Again i mention i am not recording/streaming and having CPU usage consumption that are slightly off the chart even when not "Previewing", and the part that annoys me the most is that it's not OBS.exe CPU usage but System CPU usage that's off the chart (only happens with OBS running), so could it be a leak or was it intentionally made that way?
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New Member
Still it's odd for OBS to cause ntoskrnl to consume abusive ressource, and I can't find anything that i have installed that would interfere with OBS and cause ntoskrnl to become buggy, I at first even though about a virus since it slowed down my PC way more than what 30%-40% CPU usage should have slowed down (so the Cache bandwidth was probably throttled)