Bug Report OBS frozen


New Member
I've been using OBS for a couple months, but a problem just occurred that I'm really confused about. I opened OBS, and it was stuck on this screen. Nothing is in place, and It doesn't do anything if I click where it should be.
I've reinstalled OBS already, which did nothing. I don't use OBS too much, so I don't need a fix immediately, but it would still be really helpful.

Here is the log: https://pastebin.com/wmgmkukT



New Member
Oh, good, I'm not the only one with the same issue...I was afraid it was my Mac. It finally decided to unfreeze itself the other night, but today it seems like it's taking longer to work...


New Member
Well I found a fix, but it's really complicated and doesn't work permanently. Every time I open it, to get it working I have to guess and check to find where the 'Start Recording' button would be, and it only sometimes does anything. Once I start recording, I just press Command+Q, and the message pops up saying that it will stop the recording, which makes OBS show the right window after that. It works, but it's hard to do and I have to do it every single time I open OBS. I really just want a simpler, permanent fix.

Edit: I found a much easier way. If I open it and then click the icon in the bar at the top of the screen, it shows the right screen every time, which is a lot easier than the other method.
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