Bug Report OBS Freezing

Dean Harries

New Member
My OBS keeps freezing.
Randomly while playing games, my obs will suddenly freeze, e.g. the game (on OBS, not the game itself) will freeze, my webcam will also freeze on OBS and the stream will go offline.
I originally thought it was my computer overheating, but I have done multiple things to stop it from overheating now and it still hasn't stopped.
The only recurring this was that the games that would freeze OBS were relatively new/big games, e.g. GTA V, Division, Battlefield 1. whereas older games would not cause it to freeze.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Yes. From your log:
22:53:35.097: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 14393 (revision: 0)
22:53:35.110: OBS 0.15.1 (64bit, windows)
23:19:09.188: device_texture_create (D3D11): Failed to create 2D texture (887A0005)

That is a textbook sign of the Windows 10 Anniversary Update issue. Read the PSA sticky. You should probably also update to OBS Studio 0.16.4.