OBS 'freezing'/skipping intermittently


New Member
I'm running OBS 27.0.1 and I've noticed over the last 2 or so weeks OBS seems to freeze maybe 1/4 of a second on any of my scenes, before resuming. This happens anywhere between 3 and 35 seconds apart usually. My Twitch audience can see this happening too. It's not a camera issue - I have four wired cameras running into an Elgato Camlink Pro, and the whole screen seems to stop, not just a single camera.

I took to the OBS Discord to ask for possible solutions but nothing has worked yet. I've gone into every OSB source, every scene and ensured the setting 'unload when not visible' / 'close when inactive' etc is checked. I've re-installed OBS. I've tried lowering the framerate from 1080/60 to 1080/30fps. I'm on NVIDIA NVENC H.264, 6000 kbps for streaming, Preset 'quality' and profile 'high'.

It's worth noting, I've not changed any setting in OBS for a very long time and this seems to have started happening randomly.

My system:
CPU Name: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor
Physical Memory: 32717MB Total, 21306MB Free
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080

Here the log file URL: https://obsproject.com/logs/NjDYMonJ6zMNe18F

Here's a video chip showing one of these freezes (at about 6 seconds): https://www.dropbox.com/s/unli9v5ef4q1weh/2021-08-05 16-05-18.mp4?dl=0

When recording, I get an 'encoder overloaded' message on the bottom-left of the OBS window which disappears quickly. I can't say that I've noticed this before.

I was running absolutely fine on a 2070 a few months ago, and the 3080 has been fine too.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated as I'm stumped!


New Member
UPDATE** - I've started fresh in OBS with just a single scene and a single camera source - and the freezing still happens exactly as before with a bunch of busy scenes, so I wouldn't say my scene setup is overloading my machine.


New Member

After 24+ hours of troubleshooting, it turns out it was an antivirus program called Malwarebytes. It was running in the background and seemed to change around in Task Manager frequently. I uninstalled it and, so far, haven't experienced any of the skipping/freezing issues in OBS with the CamLink Pro!!