Question / Help OBS Freezing, but not crashing.

Tornado Wolf

New Member
So I, like many others here, am now having issues with the Win10 update. I did some of the fixes I could from the sticky topic but I'm getting the same issue. After about 10-15 minutes of game streaming, OBS will freeze up but not properly crash. Looking through the logs myself, the error seems to be coming from D3D11.

I'm guessing that's Direct3D 11. I'm currently on DirectX 12.

Is this a solved issue or is this among the many still needing to be worked on?


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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
This certainly seems like the Windows 10 AU issue. The Windows 10 PSA sticky has as much information as we can provide at this time. Exactly which workarounds did you try? The "disable preview" workaround requires very specific conditions to work.

Have you tried it exactly like this?
Open OBS Studio. Setup your sources and scenes. Disable the OBS Studio preview (right-click the preview window and uncheck "Enable Preview"). Restart OBS Studio. Do not open the properties for any source. Start streaming.

Any capture source that shows a video preview in its properties (display, window, game, etc.) can trigger this error. Do not edit your sources or add any new sources that have a video preview, or you might trigger this error, and then you'll have to restart OBS.

That your system is capable of running DirectX 12 doesn't mean that an application will automatically run in DX12 mode. In this case, OBS Studio's code is written for Direct3D 11 (DX11).

Last I heard about the Windows 10 AU issue, Microsoft was maybe looking into it, but I have not confirmed that yet. Information updates will be provided as new reliable information becomes available.

Tornado Wolf

New Member
I have tried every variant given. I'm running Win10 on 64bit system with the 64bit OBS Studio.

Yes I know OBS is using DX11. Here's the thing. I play Civ5 off stream without OBS in the DX11 and it gets error. Claiming that DX11 closed in an unexpected way. Leading me to believe that there might be some compatibility errors between DX11 and DX12 currently. Which is a Microsoft problem.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Try running the 32-bit OBS Studio instead. Try reducing the game's graphics.

Yes, DX11 errors can occur without OBS Studio. This particular error just seems to occur more frequently with while OBS Studio is open.

Civ5 isn't a DX12 game either, as far as I know. It's primarily based around DX11, with support for DX9. It's probably running in DX11 mode.

Yes, it is a Microsoft problem. I don't think the issue is DX11-DX12 compatibility (I could be wrong). I'm pretty sure that DX11 commands are called directly, and not through DX12, given that they're very different APIs. We don't know exactly what the problem is yet. It's still being investigated.

Tornado Wolf

New Member
I actually had the problem in 32-bit first. Switched to 64-bit delayed the problem but it popped up all the same.

I'm not a coder or a programmer, but all the problems seem to be pointing at DirectX and what Microsoft's update did with it. Hopefully this helps the development team isolate the issue(s) and come out with a solution.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I wouldn't expect Microsoft developers to be patrolling this forum looking for issues. If you suspect it's a Microsoft problem and it happens without OBS running, then I'd report it directly to them using the Windows 10 Feedback Hub.

Tornado Wolf

New Member
Well, that was more directed to the OBS Dev's. Hopefully they can put out a patch fix until Microsoft fixes their own mess.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
As far as I know from discussions with the developer (Jim), there is little to do but wait for Microsoft to investigate and see what they changed/broke. It's being looked into. The only thing requested of the community here is more logs showing the error and putting together easy, reliable steps to reproduce the error (see Jim's note on the PSA sticky). Every relevant log I see and comment on gets added to a list that I maintain that Jim looks at. Jim and a few community members have already done a lot of testing (see Jim's comments: one, two, three), but still haven't pinned down the exact cause of the issue.


New Member
Tornado Wolf, i had the exact same issue as you (the preview freezes randomly but the counter for the recording was still rising) and i found a fix for it.
I disabled the preview in OBS (described by RxtoEx).
I successfully tested it yesterday by recording Forza Horizon 3 for one and a half hour and today by recording one hour without any freezes of OBS.

But i used OBS classic because i have a sound problem with the recording of OBS Studio (cracking and kinda cut off sound) after putting it in the editing software. I will do a test with OBS Studio today with a new recording profile to see if i had some wrong settings. But my advice is that you should test both OBS verisons by recording Civ5 for a longer time (lets say 15 - 30 minutes) and then edit it with your editing software to see if there are any other problems.

Update: It seems that OBS Studio has some problems on my system but OBS Classic still works fine.
I hope that this help you at least witht the freezing problem.
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