OBS for streaming?


New Member
Hey guys,

I'm new in this community and I wanted to ask you guys something or get any suggestions.
I wanna start streaming and a lot of people recommended me obs. What do you say? Do i need anything else? Or could you recommend something else?


Active Member
The Ideas and Suggestion forum is for just that for improving OBS, rather than requests for guidance on using OBS
So you aren't likely too see much in the way of response in this specific forum from developers

There are lots of tools for streaming. Which tool to use depends on what you are trying to accomplish, how powerful your computer is or what you are willing to spend to upgrade/buy new), and a lot more. The nice part about OBS is that it is powerful, flexible, and free. Being free, there is basically an expectation that you'll do your homework, RTFM/Quick Start Guides, watch tutorials, etc before asking certain setup questions. maybe/kinda/sorta... just depends on folks mood on a given day

OBS is one part of many, and it depends on whether you are streaming games, House of Worship, professional setting, etc
What else might you need? it depends...

I'd start with one of these depending on whether your learning style is to read or watch/listen
To get out of the 'double screen view' (studio mode), click the 'Studio Mode' button in the bottom-right next to the 'start recording' button.

Here's the quick-start guide:

I'd also recommend watching the Nerd or Die tutorial video series: