[obs-filter + AI]


New Member
Hello, All.

I am trying to implement the following function(1.) as an obs-filter, please advise if it is possible.

1. I want to add AI function to obs-studio filter. So ultimately I have to get the bitmap of the source frame in the filter.

2. Perhaps if 1. does not work, I think it need to make a streaming application with AI function, cast it to obs-studio, and finally make the obs-studio stream to the client. Do you think it is reasonable?

Thanks for any helps.



New Member
> Answer My own question.
1. Please refer to [obs-filter - async_delay-filter] source.
2. Review obs_source_info.filter_video
3. get obs_source_frame 's color space, video format, width, height, color mode, etc.....
4.Convert obs_source_frame->data[] to the appropriate format. ex. to BGA, RGB...
5. use the final result.

And then I think you can do similar things in obs-ffmpeg plugin.

Good luck.