Question / Help OBS Encoding Overloaded - Trying to find best settings for my device


New Member
Hello all-

This past weekend I was streaming an event on Youtube via OBS and I kept receiving the encoding overloaded warning after hours of streaming flawlessly and as a result the stream would stop. I seeking help in finding the correct video settings for my device to avoid this in the future.




Active Member
Your encoder is overloaded:

  1. 15:48:53.661: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 36205/54354 (66.6%
Your machine may not be able to stream 1080p60. Lower framerate, framesize, or both. Alternatively, try the software x264 encoder, but you may have the same issue as 1080p60 is quite challenging, especially at the low bitrate you have specified. You're at the low end of the range suggested by Twitch for 1080p60; upper limit would be 6000.