Question / Help OBS Encoder options


New Member
In OBS Studio 0.15.x I had two Encoder options: 1) x264, 2) AMD Video Coding Engine H.264 Encoder (Media Foundation). I used the second option to capture in local file.

Now, in 0.16.2, I have four options: 1) H264 Encoder (AMD Advanced Media Framework), 2) H264 Encoder [Advanced] (AMD Advanced Media Framework), 3) x264, 4) AMD Video Coding Engine H.264 Encoder (Media Foundation).

So, what's the difference between 1/2 and 4? Are 1/2 better than 4?


P.S.: If there's already an answer about it that I didn't see, please post the link below.


Active Member
Media foundation's encoder is absolutely abysmal. It was only used as a stop-gap until a real encoder was implemented
For quality per bitrate, x264 right now will ALWAYS beat any hardware encoder.

The AMF based encoders offer more reliable configuration options and could actually be used to stream to youtube if the internet connection supported it.


New Member
I know that CPU encoding is superior, but for me is better to use my 7770 GPU over my Q6600 CPU to capture games.

So, do you recommend using the H264 Encoder (AMD Advanced Media Framework) now that it's available?


Active Member
Yes, and use simple output mode in your output settings if possible, easier to set up.