OBS drops to 0 kb/s, disconnects, then "crashes" randomly on scene switch.

Portal Walker

New Member
Hello! I have a problem with a set of scenes I recently setup for doing a VR Beat Saber stream. There are two main scenes, one for gameplay and another "break room" scene that is used between playing songs in Beat Saber. I use the OBS HTTP Websockets Server plugin and the Beat Saber HTTP Status plugin to automatically switch scenes when a song begins or ends using a Javascript page I wrote that runs in a web browser (Firefox) while I'm playing. This all seems to work fine, but I wanted to give as much info as possible.

The problem happens at the exact moment the scene is switched from the game to the break room scene, and only happens while streaming (doesn't crash during local recording). It doesn't "crash" every time I switch scenes, sometimes I can go an hour without the crash, sometimes it happens in the first 15 minutes, etc. When it happens, the scene switches from the game scene to the break room scene using a stinger transition. Once the stinger has completed, the preview window will freeze up and my kb/s will drop to 0. I'll be disconnected, and OBS will hang here until it is forcibly shut down. Due to having to close it manually, a crash log is not produced, so I've included a pastebin of a log file below. When the problem occours, the log file shows the following:

13:01:35.415: socket_thread_windows: Increasing send buffer to ISB 524288 (buffer: 0 / 364544)
13:02:07.791: socket_thread_windows: Received FD_CLOSE, 32425 ms since last send (buffer: 0 / 364544)
13:02:07.791: socket_thread_windows: Aborting due to FD_CLOSE, error 0

Full Log: https://pastebin.com/giTrcHJY

The only way I've been able to avoid this is to remove the media/browser/window source that plays a video in the background of the break room scene OR by disabling the stinger transition. I have not been able to reproduce the issue when that video is disabled or when using a different style of transition. I've tried opening the background video in a web browser and using a browser or window source to capture the video, and the issue still occurs, so it doesn't appear to be an issue specifically with using a media source or VLC media source. I've tried re-encoding the background video into several different formats/sizes/etc and that hasn't helped. My best guess at the moment is that it is some problem with using the background video and the stinger transition together. It may also be worth noting that I cannot reproduce the problem by manually switching scenes, it so far has only occurs when the scene is changed with the script via the HTTP Websocket Server plugin.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help! -Mike