Question / Help OBS doesn't recognize my headset.


Active Member
Are you looking under "Desktop Audio Device" or under "Mic/Auxiliary"? What headset are you using?


Active Member
Does the headset show up as a separate device in the Sound pane of System Preferences? Or is it just plugged into the Line In or other input?


New Member
I'm not sure I understand the question. So I took a screenshot with my headset plugged in and thought maybe you might find what you're asking for in the picture. Photo of my Input and Output tabs of the Sound pane of my mac's System Pref.


Active Member
Okay, so your headset has to be "Line In". If you set that as your input, then OBS, go to Settings, Audio, and choose "Default" under "Mic/Auxiliary", OR in the Source tab on the main window, add a source, choose Audio Input Capture, click OK, and from the Device list, choose Default. (Don't do both or you'll likely get an echo; the second method should allow you to see from the main window if it is picking up your mic because there's a VU meter right there.)