Still the same problem.
The screenshot would be german; it is simply a small popup that says what I translated for you into english.
Console output for every process including the phrase "obs" when trying to open it is:
23.09.14 20:13:03,528[1]: (com.obsproject.obs-studio.146860[6310]) Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 13: Permission denied: /Users/jannis/Movies/Spielfilme/
23.09.14 20:13:03,528 Finder[6283]: spawn_via_launchd() failed, errno=111 label=com.obsproject.obs-studio.146860 path=/Users/jannis/Movies/Spielfilme/ flags=1 : LaunchApplicationClient.cp #1136 LaunchApplicationViaLaunchDJobLabel()
23.09.14 20:13:03,528 Finder[6283]: spawn_via_launchd() failed, errno=111 label=com.obsproject.obs-studio.146860 path=/Users/jannis/Movies/Spielfilme/ flags=1
23.09.14 20:13:03,528[1]: (com.obsproject.obs-studio.146860[6310]) Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.