Bug Report OBS does not start on Yosemite


New Member
Hi there,
wanted to try out OBS on the newest build of OS X 10.10 (Yosemite). App does not start with the error "App could not be started". That's all, no crash log.
Hope someone has an idea.


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By default, you can't start using an unsigned program by double-clicking on it. Right click the application, then run it from the right-click menu that pops up. Then you'll see a different dialog for running it. Unless this is something different, but in that situation I would need more information or at the very least a screenshot.


New Member
Still the same problem.
The screenshot would be german; it is simply a small popup that says what I translated for you into english.
Console output for every process including the phrase "obs" when trying to open it is:
23.09.14 20:13:03,528 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.obsproject.obs-studio.146860[6310]) Could not find and/or execute program specified by service: 13: Permission denied: /Users/jannis/Movies/Spielfilme/OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/OBS
23.09.14 20:13:03,528 Finder[6283]: spawn_via_launchd() failed, errno=111 label=com.obsproject.obs-studio.146860 path=/Users/jannis/Movies/Spielfilme/OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/OBS flags=1 : LaunchApplicationClient.cp #1136 LaunchApplicationViaLaunchDJobLabel() q=com.apple.root.default-qos
23.09.14 20:13:03,528 Finder[6283]: spawn_via_launchd() failed, errno=111 label=com.obsproject.obs-studio.146860 path=/Users/jannis/Movies/Spielfilme/OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/OBS flags=1
23.09.14 20:13:03,528 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.obsproject.obs-studio.146860[6310]) Service setup event to handle failure and will not launch until it fires.


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"Permission denied: /Users/jannis/Movies/Spielfilme/OBS.app/Contents/MacOS/OBS"

I think the answer is pretty much right there. It appears that you lack the permissions, again usually it's because it's not started up correctly, though this could be for some other reason related to the user account settings or something. I'm not entirely sure, though it definitely seems to not really be related to the application itself. Again keep in mind that our application is still unsigned, so OSX will not allow you to double-click to run it as I stated (just more as a security precaution on OSX's part).

I don't mind that I can't necessarily read it. I would just like to see it if that's alright, more of a visual cue as to which dialog I'm thinking of rather than what the dialog says.
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New Member
App is now in app folder where it should be; same error.


  • Bildschirmfoto 2014-09-24 um 10.05.08.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2014-09-24 um 10.05.08.png
    113 KB · Views: 95


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I'm convinced this is probably something unrelated to the unsigned application issue. The unsigned application thing is usually quite easily bypassed. It seems to be something with permissions. What specifically the problem is in your case, however, I do not know.


New Member
I am running the Yosemite beta and it is working just fine. Tested and running on both Beta 3 and 4. If right-click > Open does not allow you to open the application, I suggest deleting the program and downloading it again.

However, that is not the usual dialogue seen when it's a signing error (but maybe they are behind on the German localization). If it is a signing issue, going into Apple Menu > System Preferences > Security & Privacy and allowing apps from Anywhere will work around that issue.

Keep in mind that this will circumvent one of the security measures of the Mac and could possibly open you up for attack in the future. But you should be able to set it back to it's previous setting once OBS is running.


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Hm, strange. Thank you for letting me know. I wonder what happened.