Question / Help OBS discord setup problem


New Member
I´ve just started streaming on my PC. I got the basic set up from i youtube video and added sources and a scene. I want to add my discord chat (I want my 3 viewers to hear what my friends in discord is saying). After some fixing I managed to get my stream to hear my discord chat but I wasent able to use my "push to mute" buttom. I just didnt work.

After i managed to input my discord chat my ine game chat in fortnite started to echo when I played with some other friends. I deleted all my discord set ups in OBS live and that solved the echo in fortnite. So, now I´m back to start. I can show my game, my wievers hear me and my overlay is workning and thats about it.

Please help a beginner noob like me and remember that I´m a complete OBS idiot and english is my 2nd language... (like you probably alredy figured out..:)

BEST regards,
Jakob aka Somegot.


Active Member
Every Windows sound device can be used by multiple apps at the same time. For example, you can use your mic with discord and with OBS at the same time. Then discord captures your mic and sends your voice to the discord chat, and OBS captures your mic and sends your voice to your OBS stream at the same time. If you push-to-mute the mic with discord, you mute the discord chat only. OBS doesn't know what discord or any other app does, so it doesn't know that you muted the discord chat with a discord function. So it still sends your voice to the stream. OBS has its own push-to-mute function, so you can configure the same hotkey as in discord to also mute your mic in OBS. First, activate push-to-mute for your mic in Settings->Audio, then set the hotkey in Settings->Hotkeys.
The fortnite chat is a third voip function. It also has its own settings and hotkeys that are independent from OBS and from discord.

If it comes to OBS, keep in mind that OBS doesn't capture sound from apps. OBS captures sound from Windows sound devices. Whatever is played by or recorded from a Windows audio device, is captured by OBS, if you make this device known to OBS.


New Member
Thank you for your reply!

Yeasterday I managed to get my discord chat in to my stream and were able to push to mute myself from discord so that I could talk to my Viewers. But then my friend in discord Heard all my in game sound when I was speaking (some settings in Discord did that). If I keep these settings my stream hear my team mates but if I fix the problem with Discord so my friend doesent hear all my in game sound, the discord chat no longer is in the stream. Some home I managed to fix this but then I get echo from my voice and my shooting from fortnite in to my stream.

The problems I got is probably sound settings in my computer vs discord but I dont get it to work. I use Astro A50 gen 3 with mic.