OBS did not shut down properly during your last session.


New Member
Good day,
I'm getting this very annoying error every time I run OBS (even if I just open it and close it, without doing anything).
Here is the log file: https://obsproject.com/logs/8EOltUXHKAppzax4
The analyser sais is "Hardware-accelerated GPU shceduler", and gives me explanations how to disable it. However, I still get the error after disabling, and the log analyser still tells me the same: "HAGS". Here's a log with "HAGS" disabled: https://obsproject.com/logs/kIqOl89qYIHs2mke. The "Safe-mode" file gets created during startup of OBS (don't know if that is it's regular behavior), here's a log from the current unclosed session: https://obsproject.com/logs/NM9TzSJVXHJickCK