OBS "Defang" Streaming option


New Member
Hey everyone.

I was wondering if there was a way that OBS could be "defanged" in terms of streaming capability? I'm trying to convince my company of the strengths OBS and the Virtual Camera as a means of being more creative but it seems that convincing IT might be problematic as streaming software isn't allowed (yet).

Is there a way to remove/block the Stream settings option? I know this goes against what OBS is and does but wanted to ask.

I suppose end point protection / gpo's can be used to block ports but that would require approvals and validation and that doesn't happen overnight.

It's a moot point but wanted to ask just in case.


Forum Moderator
Community Helper
I mean, as long as the company firewall blocks outgoing RTMP, RTMPS, FTL, SRT & HLS protocols, that should do the trick? Otherwise your safest bet might be a custom build of some kind. OBS Studio as-released isn't really designed to be defanged.