Bug Report OBS crashing when switching scene/profile


New Member
Crash log here:


Basically, OBS crashes sometimes right at the start (20% of the time), after that it works pretty well as long as i do not switch either the scene collection or the profile.

I'd love to check the code myself, but before i start putting my big nose in it, are there people already working on it ? who could give me some guidelines on what needs to be done first ?

I simply don't want to read heaps of code before realizing it's a known problem, people are already working on...

Thank you !

EDIT: btw, after several retries, switching scene or profile eventually works, something uninitialized maybe ?

EDIT2: Working after several retries, with this log (this time full >_<): http://pastebin.com/4pYVgkax
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
It's the xcomposite (window) capture causing issues for you it seems. Seems the guy who wrote it didn't do proper error handling and the errors end up getting caught by other error handlers causing a crash.

I'm going to just refactor or rewrite it at some point. It's quite frustrating.
For anyone else finding this thread, kill the "cef-bootstrap" processes in your task manager to temporarily regain the ability to swap profiles.