OBS crashing and showing me black screen for a few seconds while streaming


New Member
Hello! So, I've encountered this problem while streaming on Twitch. Both the game and OBS crashed, showing me a black screen for a few seconds, then giving me some error message and stops the stream, along with making the window 4:3 resolution (restarting OBS fixed it) and leaving the game frozen. Is there any way to fix this problem? Thank you!

Log file: https://obsproject.com/logs/44Cc8kGWXw46RgVx


Forum Admin
19:41:46.339: Device Remove/Reset! Rebuilding all assets...

Your GPU is crashing due to overclocking, faulty drivers, bad hardware, etc.


New Member
Sorry for bumping this thread, but it seems like there has been no other replies in the past couple of days.
I'm still waiting for an answer on what I should do with the crash!
It has worked really fine and streamed 30 minutes to an hour on the laptop before.
Sorry for not mentioning some important stuff, I forgot and I was simply just worried about this error.
Further help is appreciated! Thank you!