Question / Help OBS Crashing and Audio Track Speeds Up


New Member
When I have OBS in advanced mode for local recording it'll crash after about 10-15 minutes of recording. It also seems to be speeding up whichever audio track I record my microphone to. I know I can record in Simple Mode and avoid the problem but I prefer having separate audio tracks as this makes editing easier. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Crash 2016-10-06 20-37-34.txt
    39.1 KB · Views: 11
  • Crash 2016-10-06 20-12-24.txt
    38.6 KB · Views: 8


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Please also post your regular log files for the sessions associated with those crashes. They are located in "%AppData%\obs-studio\logs", as shown here.


New Member
I believe these are the files.


  • Crash 2016-10-06 20-12-24.txt
    38.6 KB · Views: 6
  • Crash 2016-10-06 20-37-34.txt
    39.1 KB · Views: 4


New Member
Alright so I believe I figured out my problem and I feel like a complete idiot for not noticing it earlier. I had OBS recording at an audio bitrate of 320. Well Realtek doesn't let me input audio above 24bit, I think this why the audio kept speeding up. After bumping the recording rate down to a bitrate of 160 and Realtek down to 16bit that issue now seems solved at least on a short sample recording.
I'm going to do a larger test recording later to see if this was the problem for both the audio speeding up issue along with the crashing issue.


The audio bitrate set by OBS is to determine how compressed the audio output from OBS is (and it's in kbits per second, so 320 -> 320,000 bits/sec). The setting on your audio driver determines how many bits are used per single sample when the audio driver is rendering its output, either 24 or 16 bits. They're not related to each other.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Those are still more crash logs. We need to see your regular log files as I described above. They are created every time OBS Studio is opened, and they are located in "%AppData%\obs-studio\logs" not "%AppData%\obs-studio\crashes".


New Member
The audio bitrate set by OBS is to determine how compressed the audio output from OBS is (and it's in kbits per second, so 320 -> 320,000 bits/sec). The setting on your audio driver determines how many bits are used per single sample when the audio driver is rendering its output, either 24 or 16 bits. They're not related to each other.

Well bumping OBS down to 160 seems to have worked, anything higher than that seems to be causing the audio to speed up and desync after sometime. Keep in mind the audio only gets that way one the microphone's track the desktop audio seems to work fine.


New Member
Those are still more crash logs. We need to see your regular log files as I described above. They are created every time OBS Studio is opened, and they are located in "%AppData%\obs-studio\logs" not "%AppData%\obs-studio\crashes".

Well I completely uninstalled and reinstalled OBS but here's a log file for the new install the only setting I've changed is the audio bitrate.


  • 2016-10-07 17-22-15.txt
    5.7 KB · Views: 5