Question / Help OBS Crashes when Switching Scenes


New Member
I have a wait screen and a gaming screen on my OBS. When sitting on my wait screen for periods of time and changing back to my gaming screen, OBS tends to crash almost every time. This is the report I get. Any help is majorly appreciated.

Log avail here:
Believe it or not you ran out of memory, or at least when OBS asked Windows for some memory Windows said no. Does this happen every time you swap scenes or is it just between these two scenes? Could you upload a log file as well so that we can see the contents of your scene, Help, Log Files, Show Log Files and upload the most recent.


New Member
As requested here is a log file that happened after a crash.


  • 2016-06-05 22-22-31.txt
    13.4 KB · Views: 6


New Member
And here is another one that just happened while running some tests off stream. I don't see how this can be a RAM overload. I have no game running or anything. 16GB should be plenty. When I view my RAM usage it shows not even half of it being used while a game is running, let alone with one not up.


  • 2016-06-06 17-14-23.txt
    11.8 KB · Views: 7


New Member
Also does not happen every time I switch between scenes, but very often. I only have the 2 scenes. Side note: I also had it crash when I just turned off the "Game Capture" layer without changing scenes.