Bug Report OBS Crashes when switching between particular scenes

Benjamin Solah

New Member
I've had this issue with OBS on OS X throughout a few versions of OBS.

When switching from my stream starting scene (an image, a countdown timer from a browser source) to my main scene (web cam, game source, overlays, some browser source stuff) it crashes. If I switch from any of my image based scenes (my BRB and stream ending scenes which are just images) to my main scene, it crashes. If I switch from one of these image scenes to any other scene, the one with just game capture, the one with web cam and screen capture, the one with just cam, it doesn't crash. It's just when I switch from an image scene to the one with game and web cam. When I originally made all those scenes, it didn't crash, but at some point it started and hasn't been fixed through a couple of versions.

Is there something wrong I can fix or do I have to start over until I eliminate what element makes it crash?

Benjamin Solah

New Member
This is what I got for logs, but when I click crash reports, nothing shows up.

14:34:19.064: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5250U CPU @ 1.60GHz
14:34:19.064: CPU Speed: 1600MHz
14:34:19.064: Physical Cores: 2, Logical Cores: 4
14:34:19.064: Physical Memory: 8192MB Total
14:34:19.064: OS Name: Mac OS X (NSMACHOperatingSystem)
14:34:19.064: OS Version: Version 10.13.6 (Build 17G65)
14:34:19.064: Kernel Version: 17.7.0
14:34:19.083: hotkeys-cocoa: Using layout 'com.apple.keylayout.US'
14:34:19.086: Portable mode: false
14:34:19.424: OBS 22.0.3 (mac)
14:34:19.424: ---------------------------------
14:34:19.432: ---------------------------------
14:34:19.432: audio settings reset:
14:34:19.432:     samples per sec: 44100
14:34:19.432:     speakers:        2
14:34:19.459: ---------------------------------
14:34:19.459: Initializing OpenGL...
14:34:19.573: Loading up OpenGL on adapter Intel Inc. Intel(R) HD Graphics 6000
14:34:19.573: OpenGL loaded successfully, version 4.1 INTEL-10.36.19, shading language 4.10
14:34:19.792: ---------------------------------
14:34:19.792: video settings reset:
14:34:19.792:     base resolution:   1280x720
14:34:19.792:     output resolution: 1280x720
14:34:19.792:     downscale filter:  Bicubic
14:34:19.792:     fps:               30/1
14:34:19.792:     format:            NV12
14:34:19.792:     YUV mode:          601/Partial
14:34:19.795: Audio monitoring device:
14:34:19.795:     name: Default
14:34:19.795:     id: default
14:34:19.795: ---------------------------------
14:34:19.860: os_dlopen(libpython3.6m.dylib->libpython3.6m.dylib): dlopen(libpython3.6m.dylib, 1): image not found
14:34:19.860: [Python] Could not load library: libpython3.6m.dylib
14:34:20.313: [VideoToolbox encoder]: Adding VideoToolbox H264 encoders
14:34:20.591: [obs-browser]: Version 2.1.6
14:34:20.815: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
14:34:20.862: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'StreamDeckPlugin.so'
14:34:20.876: Ignoring old obs-browser.so version
14:34:20.877: ---------------------------------
14:34:20.877:   Loaded Modules:
14:34:20.877:     StreamDeckPlugin.so
14:34:20.877:     vlc-video.so
14:34:20.877:     text-freetype2.so
14:34:20.877:     rtmp-services.so
14:34:20.877:     obs-x264.so
14:34:20.877:     obs-vst.so
14:34:20.877:     obs-transitions.so
14:34:20.877:     obs-outputs.so
14:34:20.877:     obs-filters.so
14:34:20.877:     obs-ffmpeg.so
14:34:20.877:     obs-browser.so
14:34:20.877:     mac-vth264.so
14:34:20.877:     mac-syphon.so
14:34:20.877:     mac-decklink.so
14:34:20.877:     mac-capture.so
14:34:20.877:     mac-avcapture.so
14:34:20.877:     linux-jack.so
14:34:20.877:     image-source.so
14:34:20.877:     frontend-tools.so
14:34:20.877:     coreaudio-encoder.so
14:34:20.877: ---------------------------------
14:34:20.877: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
14:34:21.588: All scene data cleared
14:34:21.588: ------------------------------------------------
14:34:21.754: coreaudio: device 'iShowU Audio Capture' initialized
14:34:22.180: adding 46 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds
14:34:22.465: coreaudio: failed to find device uid: AppleUSBAudioEngine:Blue Microphones:Yeti Stereo Microphone:REV8_2017/10/28_24977:2, waiting for connection
14:34:22.478: Web Cam: Could not initialize device with unique ID '0x14100000046d082d'
14:34:22.534: Switched to scene 'Stream Starting'
14:34:22.536: ------------------------------------------------
14:34:22.536: Loaded scenes:
14:34:22.536: - scene 'Game and Cam':
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Rode Mic' (coreaudio_input_capture)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Game Capture' (decklink-input)
14:34:22.536:         - monitoring: monitor and output
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Web Cam' (av_capture_input)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Overlay Main' (image_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Cam Overlay' (image_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Recent Follow' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Recent Events' (browser_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Follow Count' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Recent Sub' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Alerts' (browser_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Mic/Aux' (coreaudio_input_capture)
14:34:22.536:         - monitoring: monitor and output
14:34:22.536: - scene 'Game':
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Rode Mic' (coreaudio_input_capture)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Game Capture' (decklink-input)
14:34:22.536:         - monitoring: monitor and output
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Overlay Main' (image_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Recent Follow' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Recent Events' (browser_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Follow Count' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Recent Sub' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Alerts' (browser_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Bit Cup' (browser_source)
14:34:22.536: - scene 'Cam':
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Rode Mic' (coreaudio_input_capture)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Web Cam' (av_capture_input)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Overlay Main' (image_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Recent Follow' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Recent Events' (browser_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Follow Count' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Recent Sub' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Alerts' (browser_source)
14:34:22.536:     - source: 'Bit Cup' (browser_source)
14:34:22.537: - scene 'Window and Cam':
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Display Capture' (display_capture)
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Rode Mic' (coreaudio_input_capture)
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Web Cam' (av_capture_input)
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Overlay Main' (image_source)
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Cam Overlay' (image_source)
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Recent Follow' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Recent Events' (browser_source)
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Follow Count' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Recent Sub' (text_ft2_source)
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Alerts' (browser_source)
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Bit Cup' (browser_source)
14:34:22.537: - scene 'Stream Starting':
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Image Start' (image_source)
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Countdown' (browser_source)
14:34:22.537: - scene 'Stream Break':
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Image BRB' (image_source)
14:34:22.537: - scene 'Stream End':
14:34:22.537:     - source: 'Image End' (image_source)
14:34:22.537: ------------------------------------------------
14:34:26.552: obs-browser: Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block; report=https://www.google.com/appserve/security-bugs/log/youtube: insecure reporting URL for secure page at character position 22. The default protections will be applied. (source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/?autoplay=1&controls=0&modestbranding=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&iv_load_policy=3&widget_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fstreamlabs.com%2Falert-box%2Fv3%2FB3F7265589E37206ED67&enablejsapi=1&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fstreamlabs.com&widgetid=1:0)
14:34:28.427: User switched to scene 'Game and Cam'
14:34:28.655: obs-browser: Error parsing header X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block; report=https://www.google.com/appserve/security-bugs/log/youtube: insecure reporting URL for secure page at character position 22. The default protections will be applied. (source: https://www.youtube.com/embed/?autoplay=1&controls=0&modestbranding=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&iv_load_policy=3&widget_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fstreamlabs.com%2Falert-box%2Fv3%2FB3F7265589E37206ED67&enablejsapi=1&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fstreamlabs.com&widgetid=1:0)
14:34:30.620: User switched to scene 'Game'
14:34:31.542: User switched to scene 'Cam'
14:34:32.312: User switched to scene 'Window and Cam'
14:34:33.139: User switched to scene 'Game'
14:34:34.187: User switched to scene 'Game and Cam'
14:34:35.020: User switched to scene 'Game'
14:34:35.781: User switched to scene 'Window and Cam'
14:34:36.745: User switched to scene 'Stream Starting'
14:34:37.540: User switched to scene 'Stream Break'
14:34:38.332: User switched to scene 'Stream End'
14:34:39.248: User switched to scene 'Stream Starting'
14:34:40.244: User switched to scene 'Game and Cam'