Question / Help OBS crashes Minecraft (Java Game) [SOLVED]


New Member
Hi, about a week ago, my obs stopped working while using graphics card encoding as my nvidia drivers weren't up to date. It worked for a day, but then I got another problem I can't seem to fix. Whenever I have my minecraft game capture enabled, and launch up minecraft, minecraft then crashes, however obs doesn't crash. I don't know why, I imagine it has something to do with the updated drivers. But I can't be sure. Please help me fix this problem as I really need to livestream on Friday! Thanks! :)

GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX950
CPU: AMD Phenom II - 3.2ghz, quad core.


Active Member
I imagine it has something to do with the updated drivers. But I can't be sure
We can be sure. It is EXACTLY to do with the updated drivers. nvidia broke the build. roll back to a previous nvidia driver version.


Forum Admin
If you are on the latest nvidia drivers (378.49), you'll need to roll back to an older version. This is an issue with nvidia.


New Member
THANK GOD! You guys are my saviors! xD Hope this thread comes in help to others having this issue. :)


New Member
How would I go about rolling back to an older version? :o

update: so I looked up how to roll it back but the option to "roll back driver" is grayed out, what do?


Active Member
Download a slightly older version, uninstall your current and install that slightly older.