OBS crashes computer when I close


New Member
OBS crashes my computer when I close the program. This usually happens after streaming/capturing gameplay for about 30 minutes. At first I was getting the BSOD when it crashed, now it is just black screening and restarting my pc.

The issue is there are no crash logs. Here is the last log that I have that happened before I closed obs and my computer crashed. Hope this helps.


  • 2021-05-01 01-07-13.txt
    14.1 KB · Views: 44


Have you checked the Windows logs

Is it possible to post a log with a short recording session
Looks like you have an issue with your Audio Check your devices and drivers
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New Member

This was the last time the computer rebooted due to closing OBS studio.

I've updated the graphics card, windows update, I even updated the bios. Anything else I should consider?

Also, here is a log from a short recording session.


  • 2021-05-02 22-08-51.txt
    13.3 KB · Views: 11


When reinstalling a graphics driver due to a driver issue it is best to use DDU to uninstall the driver and remove all associated files then reboot to clean install a new updated driver

That Windows error is from the Driver Verifier, meaning something is wrong with a driver it is watching Could be your GPU driver, Audio, USB, or device driver like your Elgoto devices

As far as I can tell the Driver Verifier is normally used for debugging so shouldn't normally be on

Okay, could you post a log with a short recording or streaming session None is showing and it helps to see a log from OBS in use
Also, run OBS as Admin
Your first log showed increasingly larger and large audio delay offsets for your Elgoto 2 device Checkout that device and drivers


New Member
Sorry not too familiar with this. Here is a short recording with a 2 logs (not exactly sure which is the correct log) from OBS. I couldn't attach a video to the forum so I uploaded it to YouTube. Here's the link as well.

I also disabled my driver verifier. Should I use DDU right now to reinstall my graphics driver? Should I reinstall OBS while I'm at it?

Yes, my audio is usually a little off with what I'm capturing with my El Gato capture card when I start up OBS sometimes. I usually have to restart the program to get the audio in sync with what I'm playing. I checked my devices on device manager, they all are up to date. I'll double check them as well.


  • 2021-05-02 23-55-42.txt
    15.6 KB · Views: 10
  • 2021-05-03 00-01-34.txt
    8.6 KB · Views: 7


Check your Windows logs What was the BSOD error Did OBS crash before the BSOD
or get BlueScreenView to analyze the minidump file



Well, it's a Driver issue
Do you have any other video capture, recording,tuner device installed other than the Elgoto HD60s as it has to do with the driver for that kind of device Otherwise, it the Driver for the HD50s that caused the crash
Delete and reinstall the driver(s) If you still have the issue, it could be some Windows files are corrupted or issues with the storage device