Question / Help OBS Crash when opening on macOS Mojave 10.14.6

Fernando Paludo

New Member

I have did a fresh reinstall of my Mojave. After installed everything, I did it with OBS, anda it crashes on every opening. Never see it working after reinstall.

Here are the LOG:

Any help or tip will be appreciated. Thanks



New Member

I´m having the same problem, found out I can lauch the app through mac terminal using this code:

sudo /Applications/

It´ll request the password but it works, yet is the only thing I have found to open OBS in my mac with Mojave and I have to open it that way every single time, hope someone works out an update for this or something...


New Member
Hi again,

Found out that (most likely) my stream deck is causing the crash at opening, managed to open OBS by unplugging every usb device on my mac and it worked, yet having some issues everytime I try to configure my stream deck


Active Member
Make sure OBS is up to date (latest is 25.0.8) and uninstall any 3rd party plugins while troubleshooting (includes the streamdeck plugin).