Bug Report OBS Crash on Hotkeys


New Member
I have an almost identical issue. Posting here to escalate your posting since this doesn't seem to be fixed yet.

This started on MP 0.11.2 (first version of MP I used) and persists in MP 0.12.0.

It occurs on hotkeys, but usually after about 2 hours of streaming, but can on occasion be reproduced without even streaming.

Generally I'm only changing scenes with hotkeys (CTRL + ALT + {number}), but has also happened when attempting to start or stop the stream (CTRL + ALT F11/F12) and hiding or showing the camera in a scene (CTRL + ALT + 7/8).

Crash Log: http://pastebin.com/wDrrQALe

Additional Info:
  • Win 7 x64 Home Premium
  • NVIDIA GTX 555
  • 8 GB RAM
I can provide more information if necessary.



Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Thanks, I'm currently investigating this crash, that's the same crash location others have reported.