OBS cpu usage and activity monitor not the same??


New Member
Hoping someone can help me with this -- I am having some audio issues that sound like they're stemming from CPU overload. While streaming, OBS will appear to not be using too much CPU percentage, but meanwhile my computer's activity monitor shows it sky high at 200+%. Even now, just having it open but not streaming or recording, OBS says it's using 2.9%, while my activity monitor says it's using 25.5%. Does anyone know why this discrepancy might be happening and what I can do to fix it? For what it's worth, I'm using a new MacBook Pro with quad core and 16 GB of RAM.


New Member
Hi erindeuel,
I had the same question and thought I'd share what I found out. It looks like OBS is showing the CPU percentage used across all of the cores available on the CPU. Activity Monitor, on the other hand, shows the CPU usage percentage per each single core. In my case, my machine has 8 CPU cores, which equates to 800% available CPU. So if Activity Monitor shows 86% CPU usage for OBS, 86% divided by 800% gives me 10.8%, which matches the number I see in OBS. Hope this helps!