Bug Report OBS Completely Crashes Mac Forcing Automatic Restart

I just downloaded OBS multiplatform 0.9.1 for mac as my friend suggested it and said people on Twitch use it a bunch. I tried it out and well... yah, it's absolutely 100% unusable for me. I opened it up and quickly learned the interface and set up basic settings suggested by people on youtube videos. I haven't even recorded anything with OBS up to this point. Simply having the program open when I launch my games fully crashes my computer with this error hard crash message coming up:


I tried launching Heroes of the Storm and my computer immediately crashed with OBS open. I opened StarCraft II and my computer immediately crashed with OBS open. I didn't even have it recording and it crashed my computer.

I am running a macbook pro retina 15 inch 2014 model with a dedicated graphics card. I am running Mac OSX 10.9.5.

Here's a log file which hopefully has something useful for you.


OF NOTE: The crash occurs when I make the games go to fullscreen mode. The computer continues to run if the game is in windowed mode. I can launch the game, enter fullscreen mode, switch to the dock and then open up OBS and the computer will crash. It doesn't matter what order I do it in, as soon as I have OBS open and a game in fullscreen mode my computer crashes. Again, this is without me even recording anything. This is simply having the OBS open...


What would help is the kernel crash log.

Does the "full screen mode" screen size match the current screen size? In other words, if you normally use 1280x800, does the game in full screen mode use the same size? If you set your screen's size to match what the game will use before you try it, does the problem continue?
I can copy and paste what came up when my computer restarted if you want. I saved that.

If anyone can tell me where the kernel panic logs are kept in Mavericks.. that'd help too :P
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1680x1050 is the resolution I have set for fullscreen mode in both Heroes of the Storm and StarCraft 2. It is obviously much smaller resolution outside of fullscreen mode.

The resolution of my screen is set to 1920x1200.


Alright. If, before playing your game, you use system preferences to set the resolution down to the 1680x1050 resolution of the game, will it then work properly?

If you don't have that resolution available in system preferences, try display menu -- it's one of the resolutions in the free version.
Update: I don't even need to have any application open other than OBS in order to make it crash. If the resolution of the screen is changed while OBS is open, the whole computer crashes.

I set my normal screen resolution to 1680x1050. I set the game resolution to 1680x1050 and made it start fullscreen upon launch instead of in windowed mode. It still completely crashes my computer any time I launch any game that goes to fullscreen.

This is more than a slight hiccup here... has no one else really had this problem?? I mean, it happens EVERY time for me....


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If the whole system crashes it shouldn't technically be a problem with obs, I'm sorry to have to say. I can't help but feel that's more indicative of hardware issues, because resolution changes have been tested pretty extensively.
Apple just released 10.10.3 Supplemental Update which utterly destroyed my iMac's ability to process Heroes of the Storm in Ultra Mode. The patch SAYS it updates several issues with capture cards. Try a Time Machine backup BEFORE the Supplemental update was installed (Just vanilla 10.10.3).
So, since I've had this computer for almost a year now and I've only had 1 kernel panic up until this point... and the computer has a kernel panic every time I use OBS, you're saying it must be my computer?

I'm having a hard time coming to that conclusion =/

Also, TickleMeOzmo, I am running 10.9.5 so I don't have the issue you're mentioning.


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Sorry, meant to say indicative of hardware or driver issues. Those types of things can happen with bugs in drivers as well, which is why it's important to keep OSX and everything up to date.
My OS is up to date though... I may not have the newest OS for mac, but it is updated as much as it can be. Your download page states OBS is made for OS 10.8 and later. Mavericks is later...

If it's of any importance, my graphics card is the
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2048 MB (if that was needed info)
I deleted the application and deleted the folder in application support. I'm going to redownload and reinstall OBS and see if that affects anything at all... thought I can't really see why it would, but I'm hopeful lol
Of interest for you, I have tested OBS in several other "fullscreen" apps and games and not had the crash. I think the crash is occurring when applications go fullscreen a specific way.

Like, when I enter blizzard games, it seems the app changes the resolution of the screen. Other games when they go fullscreen do it in a different ways... I'll try to explain.

In Mavericks you can have multiple "desktops" that you can switch between. This is called "Spaces". Anyhow, most of the apps that go fullscreen and don't crash seem to not touch the resolution of the screen, but adjust in some other way.......... They same to open a new "Space" and move the game window to that space. It also seems the windows just stretch/scale to the size of the screen and then hide the edges to give the fullscreen effect. If the application achieves fullscreen in this manner, OBS runs fine. If the application seems to take over the screen and fiddle with resolution control, obs crashes the computer.

Here's a list of things going fullscreen that do and do not crash the computer (why OBS is open):

Does Not Crash:
Escape Velocity Nova
Cities and Skylines
Youtube videos in fullscreen mode
iphoto in fullscreen mode
Dolphin console emulator in fullscreen mode
CounterStrikeGO (valve games seem to go fullscreen by changing the size of the game window and then hiding the edges without messing with resolutions)
Gary's Mod
Civilization V
Project Zomboid

Does Crash:
League of Legends (computer crashes when the game enters fullscreen for a match)
StarCraft II (crashes computer upon start as the loading screen is fullscreen)
Heroes of the Storm (crashes computer upon start as the loading screen is fullscreen)
(I'm guessing all blizzard games enter fullscreen mode the same way and thus would crash the computer with OBS open)

Does this help at all? I'm trying to narrow down when the crash happens so it's easier to analyze and maybe find a solution.


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Well, the problem is that I have not had any similar reports, and when the kernel crashes it usually means something's wrong with either the hardware or drivers, not programs on the computer; the only thing that I can see in the kernel crash is that it's somewhere in the graphics. You're the only person I've heard something like this from, which typically means that the problem is very likely something with your specific computer.

I don't quite know how to help other than give the hint about the hardware/drivers, I can't give you any conclusive information. I wish I could give you better answers and more help.


New Member
To add up... I've been using OBS for the past 20 days (I'm doing daily streaming). I'm streaming a zoom meeting with additional audio mixing from my audio interface (USB). And for the last 3 days this crash thing started to happened. Nothing change on my hardware.
I am now suspecting cache related triggering this.