Bug Report OBS causes my HDD to be used in 100% and causing a freeze


New Member
Title says it all. For some reason if I leave OBS running for some time (doesnt matter if I'm streaming/recording or its idle) my HDD goes full busy mode (Basically 100% usage) making the system unusable and forcing me to restart the PC.

I thought it could be caused by bad sectors but apparently it happens only when the OBS is running.

The log seems kinda weird, nothing unusual (besides the openGL error message), here it is:

Have anyone ever ran into such a problem? I'm running Xubuntu 16.04. Everything was working fine on Ubuntu 15.10 :(

Also for anyone curious: my GPU is HD7770, using Gallium 0.4 on AMD CAPE VERDE (DRM 2.43.0, LLVM 3.8.0) with Gallium-nine support.