Question / Help OBS Camera App with Iphone 11 Pro/+ Lens Selection

Hey gang.
I actually cant find a camera app that will allow this at all.
Not NDI-Hx, EPocCam-Multi (Thats the $20 one) or OBS Cam.
So, yeah, at the moment Im Down $40+ trying to get an APP select one of the other cameras/Lenses on the Iphone 11Pro
namely the Ultra-Wide Screen one.
EpocCam actual will select between the 2 main Cameras... but no Ultra Wide.

I dont know if this is something that needs to go up the chain and be in an app update, or im just missing the feature somewhere.
please advise.
Thank You


New Member
I came here looking for the same answer. This would certainly have to be in an update to work for us. Any hopes of this being incorporated - I hope so! Especially with the iphone 12 not far off and will most likey also include ultra wide video lense, and we are now into a second generation of this being available on iphone, so the userbase is there


New Member
Good news, just got the update pushed to the app store, and can confirm it supports ultra wide on iphone 11 now!