Bug Report OBS Brown Screen and Computer Freeze


New Member

I streamed Borderlands 2 and got a brown screen, accompanied by stuttering, repeating audio, and finally my computer just straight-up froze to where I had to hard reset it. This happened after ~20 minutes of streaming, but it doesn't seem to have a specific timing.

I figured it was BL2's fault, but I tried to stream Overwatch last night (a game I have streamed many times in the past without issue) and within 4 minutes I got the brown screen, stuttering/repeating audio and computer freeze.

According to my log:

The stream ends with the message I heard is supposed to only be seen on Windows 10? I have Windows 7 64-Bit. In any case, these issues have only been happening the last month or so.


Try updating OBS you are using version 0.16.4, newest version is 0.16.6.

Make sure to run the 64bit version of OBS instead of the 32bit version.

Also change the thread type, never file a bug report unless you are using the newest version of OBS