Question / Help OBS broke when I installed OBS Studio : obs-ios-camera-source


New Member
Hello - I am brand new to OBS. I downloaded the mac version and installed, no problem. I paid $16 for the OBS Camera for my iPhone, no problem. Plugged the iphone into the laptop and ran OBS - but the source pop up menu did not have the OBS Camera listed - so I made an source and chose my iphone.

Unfortunately this only allowed a screen capture and in OBS i saw all the screen info from my phone - flip camera view, and touch menu stuff. The screen capture was also smearing and staggered - and always 5-10 seconds behind the audio - way out of sync.

I dug around a little more and followed a thread that said I needed OBS Studio (obs-ios-camera-source) for the OBS on my Macbook to recognize my iPhone as the camera source. Found it, downloaded and installed.

Now OBS will not open at all. Fails after attempting and shuts back down.

Any ideas on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


New Member
....QUICK FOLLOWUP - I removed the plugin from the "Application Support" folder in the Macbook Library and OBS opens again - but only recognized the screen capture mode and will not use my iphone camera as a camera only. It wants to stream/record my iphone screen.