Bug Report OBS blocking audio output


New Member
I switched to 0.14.1 from 0.13.4 today, and this problem reoccurred.

When I first started using OBS, I had this problem: When OBS was open, other media players wouldn't play media. YouTube videos wouldn't play at all, Windows Media Player wouldn't play, and my livestream at livecoding.tv wouldn't show anything but a black screen. Upon closing OBS, all the media players worked again (except for the livestream, because I wasn't streaming, obviously).

I don't remember how I solved this problem, but I think it had something to do with disabling audio devices in the settings (under the Audio tab). Whatever I did, the problem resurfaced when I switched to 0.14.1 today. So I switched back to 0.13.4, but the problem didn't go away immediately. After reinstalling 0.13.4, I had to restart my computer, and then the problem went away again.

Log file:
I believe this log file is from 0.13.4 before restarting my computer (and after having switched to 0.14.1 and then back to 0.13.4)

I hope the new version gets fixed so this doesn't happen. In the meantime, I'll be sticking to 0.13.4, where everything works properly.

Thank you for your time.

-SG7 ( :) )


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I didn't change anything with audio capture at all, and haven't heard any similar reports. I didn't change any of the captures. If you have time, could you repeat it again and see whether you can replicate it again with 0.14.1?


New Member
So it's happening again with 0.13.4. Since it'll hap
pen no matter the version I'll upgrade to the newer one and upload the log file if it happens again.

EDIT: So I installed 0.14.1 and opened it. Immediately upon opening OBS, my media players stopped playing. I went to Help->Upload Current Log File. Here it is:

EDIT: Without closing OBS, I turned off my bluetooth headphones, and my media players came back on.
I then turned my headphones back on, and it worked like normal.

It seems to me that the bug is that OBS isn't handling bluetooth headphones that are connected before OBS opens up.
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I was sort of confused about what's going on at first, but I'm beginning to see that it's a device or driver issue of some sort. OBS itself doesn't handle any device differently in terms of normal audio capture. It's most likely a driver or device issue of some sort.

Let me explain why that is: It's because when OBS captures audio, all it does is ask the system to capture audio for a specific device. All device-related handling is done not by OBS, but by microsoft. OBS calls a microsoft function and says: "capture audio for this device", and it gets audio back, or it doesn't if that fails. It's quite literally as simple as that, OBS itself does not have any code that interact with devices itself. It's done behind the scene by windows/microsoft. We call microsoft functions and microsoft handles everything, and either we get audio or we don't.

Just wanted to clear that up, because it's quite truly not something that is the fault of OBS itself, hence why I say it's either a driver issue, a setting with the device, or some other sort of device issue. It's not something we can control.